Bus Travel to and from the clinic

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Departure From Chula Vista to Ensenada Information

The bus departs PROMPTLY at 6:00AM on Friday morning from the Chula Vista Shopping Center. Please plan to arrive at 5:45AM at the latest so we will have time to check you in. We will meet in front of the two story parking structure between J C Penny's and The Olive Garden, just north of the Burger King located at the southwest corner of the parking lot on Broadway and I Street, Chula Vista. There will be a person directing you where to park your car in that parking structure.

PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Do not bring anything but your personal luggage on the bus. It is strictly prohibited by the Mexican Government and by The Thousand Smiles Foundation to bring medical and dental supplies, drugs, used clothing, toys or any other items that are not for your own personal use. In the past, the whole bus has been held up at times for hours, severely limiting our time to treat patients at the clinic. If you want to bring items, you must drive your own car and you are doing so at your own risk. We also discourage donations of medical and dental supplies even if you come in your own vehicle. We have our inventory controlled by a program that tracks item numbers, lot numbers and expiration dates. We cannot even enter items in the system if they are past the expiration date. As a practice and conforming to Mexican laws, we do not use any expired items. We have limited time and space and donated medical items usually sit in a corner and are ultimately discarded, which in addition, causes a disposal problem. We thank you for your cooperation

The cost per person to ride the bus is $40.00 and should be paid by credit card online after you make your reservation. You will get an e mail giving you a link and instructions how to make the payment. This is the only way to guarantee your reservation. We will accept payment as you get on the bus if there is sufficient space.

The GPS coordinates for the departure point are N32 37.657,W117 05.283

Here is the schedule with our target times:

Friday, November 3, 2017: 5:45AM- bus picks up passengers in Chula Vista, IMPORTANT - IF YOU ARE RUNNING A FEW MINUTES LATE CALL TERESA MISENHELTER +1(619)990 7965 OR IF YOU CANNOT GET THROUGH CALL BOB CHALFA (619) 843-2943.

6:00AM- Buses depart.

8:00AM- Drop off luggage at the Paraiso Las Palmas Hotel in Ensenada (no check in at this time)

8:30AM- Drop off everyone at Thousand Smiles clinic.

5:00PM- Picks up everyone at Thousand Smiles Clinic and drop off at Paraiso Las Palmas Hotel

Saturday, November 4, 2017:

6:00AM- Bus picks up +\~ 25 passengers (Surgical Team) from Paraiso Las Palmas Hotel and take them to the General Hospital

7:30AM- Bus returns and picks up +\~ 25 passengers from Paraiso Las Palmas Hotel and take them to the Thousand Smiles Clinic

5:00PM- Bus picks up volunteers from Thousand Smiles Clinic then departs for hospital

Approx. 6:30PM- Bus picks up volunteers from the hospital then depart for Chula Vista Shopping Center (Time varies depending on the time surgeries are finished)

Approx. 9:00PM- Bus arrives at Chula Vista Shopping Center. (Time is dependent upon departure time from hospital and border traffic)

Anyone who wants to go please sign up on line. If you have any problems call our office at +1 619 267 6960.

Upon your return to the United States you must get off the bus with ALL of your belongings and walk across the border with your passport at the border crossing. Please Pack lightly. The bus lets us off approximately 100 feet from the crossing.

Note: The person in charge of the bus trip should instruct the volunteers to park in a common area of the covered parking structure adjacent to the pick up spot. You should also have a current list of the people who signed up with their cell phone numbers. Check the list and collect the money as people arrive. If someone has not shown up by departure time, call them on their cell phone and wait for them if possible. You should also notify Kyle Godat at the shopping center a few days before the clinic so they are aware of the cars being left there overnight. His number is +1 619 427 6701 ext 460018. kyle.godat@rouseproperties.com

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