Friday Night Dinner/T-Shirt Sales

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T-SHIRT inventory and back stock is in the Dental clinic in boxes and plastic boxes in the downstairs area. Look into the plastic boxes and cupboards to locate the T-Shirts/sweats you are looking for. We are very low in the women's sizes. They need to be reordered.

About paying for the Dinner

We pay for the dinner with the amount of money we collected, and often it includes checks, so we need to keep our cash to pay for the dinners. Our dinners at Bronco's includes drink, tax and, tip, so the exact number of persons who are at the Restaurant should be the correct number to pay for. We can best determine that by the number of tickets we sold. That is why it is important to have someone collect the tickets at the beginning of the line. We have had trouble determining the correct number at the restaurant. She lately has been giving out the Restaurant's count, too by giving each person a ticket

Dinner tickets are $20.00 each. Price is subject to change.

T-shirt Sales Report Spreadsheet

Sales Report

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